Our goal is to offer you products from companies and individuals who are socially and environmentally responsible.

Nature's Marketplace
79 Suttle St.
Durango, CO 81301
Tel: (800) 553-6266
Fax: (970) 247-7891

By environmentally responsible we mean (including but not limited to) organically grown products, natural products, cruelty free products, phosphate free products, recycled products, and more.

Companies who are socially responsible are companies who (including but not limited to) provide good benefits for their employees, have family friendly policies, employer sponsored day care, flexible scheduling, and so on.

Many of these companies don't brag about what they do for their employees, and are over looked as beneficial in more ways than one. Many companies will have a page about their specific company along side the products they offer, please feel free to go meet any of the companies you would like and get to know them.

Please feel free to contact us here at Nature's Marketplace if you have any questions or concerns, we will try to back with you as soon as we can. Your satisfaction is our goal.

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